What is endianness of processor?
If the size of data type is more than one byte then endianness decides the memory representation of data type.There are two type of endianness.
Little-endian: The processor which follow the following memory representation of data is known as little-endian processor.

First A will fill then B then C then D then E and so on from right to left.
Example of processor: 8085,8086,8088,80286,80386,p1,p2 etc.
Big-endian: The processor which follow the following memory representation of data is known as big-endian processor.

First A will fill then B then C then D then E from right to left.
Example of processor: Motorola, IBM PC etc.
If the size of data type is more than one byte then endianness decides the memory representation of data type.There are two type of endianness.
Little-endian: The processor which follow the following memory representation of data is known as little-endian processor.

First A will fill then B then C then D then E and so on from right to left.
Example of processor: 8085,8086,8088,80286,80386,p1,p2 etc.
Big-endian: The processor which follow the following memory representation of data is known as big-endian processor.

First A will fill then B then C then D then E from right to left.
Example of processor: Motorola, IBM PC etc.
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